PH> well it would really help to know if they are actually forcing utf-8 or 
PH> as file encoding. make some sense of your problems.

Hmm, then I'll have to dig a bit into this on the live server.
But at the moment the problems occur on our dev server.
A quick test shows that its default encoding is UTF-8.
Without setting the encoding to latin1 the output of the query I
showed displays garbage - as it should (only cfquery/cfoutput).
Changing the encoding to latin1 everything looks fine.

Dropping in a simple
   <cfset foo = DateFormat(now(), '') />
anywhere on that page renders it instantly wrong!

>>   WHERE     adate >= CreateODBCDate(now())
>>    AND      sdate <= CreateODBCDate(now())

PH> CreateODBCDate is redundant.

Uhm, is it really? Something new to me after years :)

>> And those title and shorttext contents get screwed as long as I use
>> the upper DateFormat. Setting the date vars manually (for testing)

PH> which is kind of overkill, why not use day/month/year functions instead? 
the 0
PH> padding?

Yep it is. But the 'designer' insists on those fields being two
digits. And a wrapper-function around the day/month/year values would
be the same overkill as DateFormat. So this is again one of those
compromises one has to make I think.

>> everything works fine (or - as discovered - using LSDateFormat()
>> without setting a setLocale() in App.cfm).

PH> it might be because of either the file encoding forced to utf-8 (low odds?) 
PH> dateformat on a "localized" OS is producing UTF-8 which gets mixed in w/the 
PH> of the latin-1 text stream & breaks. also are you sure the text from the db 
PH> latin-1? maybe windows-1252? that's a superset of latin-1 & can cause some
PH> interesting side effects if used as if it were latin-1.

I always thought of it being latin-1 because my conversion tool told
me it'll that encoding. And the MySQL status output also tells me that
it uses 'latin1' as server and client characterset.

Patric Stumpe

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