Where are you getting that #documentSelect.mimeType# variable?  Is it
definitely passing the right mime type?

On 2/14/06, Brian Peddle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Using CF 7 and had written some code to open files that were uploads.  Txt,
> Doc, PDF etc.  This all had been working, only difference is we moved code
> onto new servers when we moved hosting.
> The process was.
> Display Page will all documents.
> Click on link to display document
> This would open a new windows and display the doc.
> That window would run this and open the file, maybe over kill on header
> stuff I know, I have added and removed stuff with no success.
> <cfheader name="Content-Length" value="#documentSelect.filesize#">
> <cfheader name="Content-Type" value="#documentSelect.mimeType#">
> <cfheader name="Content-Location"
> value="#URLEncodedFormat(documentSelect.savedName)#">
> <cfheader name="Content-Disposition" value="inline;
> filename=#documentSelect.name#.#documentSelect.fileType#">
> <cfheader name="Expires" value="#Now()#">
> <cfcontent type="#documentSelect.mimeType#"
> file="#destinationFolder##documentSelect.savedName#">
> Now the window flashes open for PDF's and then closes and prompts to
> download the PDF.
> Any thoughts?

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