replies below
On 2/21/06, Neil Middleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >So each PC has cf developer edition and IIS under WXP pro.
> How do you go about keeping these all up to date?  How do you manage more
> than one developer working on an app at any one time.

Well the CVS repository holds all versions of code from the time you first
enter a set of source code into CVS. Developers checkout a version of the
source code from the repository (normally the latest version but could be a
branch or previous version) and they start to work on this.  They test
locally then when happy commit code to the repository. At this point other
developers can see these changes. Other developers can do an 'Update' which
will update their local version with changes on the repository that have
been occurred since they last checked out their copy.

If two developers work on the same app they will normally be working on
different parts of that app. So while they may need to know or test with
other developers changes, they don't actually 'clash' in that they don't
edit the same files.

CVS (C=Concurrent) does not stop two or more developers editting the same
file, but it will tell the second developer to commit changes to the
repository that it has been updated in the meantime and then they can
resolve any problems on their local version before they commit.

Before we implemented CVS we worried and fretted about this kind of senario,
but having run with CVS for 18months now, this rarely crops up and when it
does its a thousand times better to have all the CVS resources to it sort

>CVS handles branching and it is made easy to manage by the tools in
> eclipse.
> How do you handle branching from a browsing point of view.  Do you not
> have more than one branch "active" at any one time?

It is possible to extract from CVS any number of 'versions' of your code and
then you can (and we do sometimes) have http://myhost/branch1code/ and also
http://myhost/bleedingedge/ etc. so that different users can test different

Eventually you can merge branches back to the main 'trunk' of the repository
and Eclipse gives you tools to help with this.

>Alot depends on the IDE you want to use and how important having it
> >integrated to this IDE is.
> We're all using DWMX8 here.

You might be best looking at a separate CVS (or SVN) client. There are
several around. I toyed with SmartCVS and we also used tortoiseCVS (there is
a tortoiseSVN) before we saw the light and switched to CFEclipse :-). A
google will find these for you and many more.

Not really familiar with DWMX8. Maybe other folks can say if there are
integrated products.


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