There's a better, cleaner way of processing your form.

I would do this on the processing side.

<cfloop collection="#form#" item="thisField">
        <cfif FindNoCase(thisField,"item")>
                <cfset fieldname=thisField>
                <cfset fieldValue=Form[thisField]>
                    INSERT inventory(item_ID,Group_item_ID ) 
                               values ('#fieldValue#',#form.Group_item#)


-----Original Message-----
From: j s [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2006 1:28 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Renaming dynamic form fields

I'm trying to figure out a way to pass form fields to a page which will
then rename the fields.

The reason is the fields are produced dynamically and not all the fields
will be passed since
they will be checkboxes. When I perform my db insert I do loop which
needs to have the fields
in order. If the fields that are passed are 1,2,3 out of 6 my insert
works. If the form passes fields
2,3,4 I get an error cause field 1 is not defined. 1,2,4 or 1,3,4 also
don't work since they are not
in order.

This is why I want to:

The first step I want to do is get the values from the form fields in
need into an array.

Then perform a loop to place the values into a the new form fields named

<!--- dynamic form --->
     <form action="tester.cfm" method="post" name="AddToCart"> 
               <input name="Group_item" type="hidden"

               <label for="item">#item_name#</label>
               <input value="#item_ID#" type="checkbox" type="radio"
name="item#CurrentRow#" />
               <input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formButton"
value="Add to Cart" />
<!--- end dynamic form --->

<!--- tester.cfm page --->

<!--- get the total number of form fields minus the submit and
group_item_ID fields  --->
     <cfset formCount = ListLen('#FORM.FieldNames#', ",")>
      <cfset formCount = formCount - 2>

<!--- here is where I want to put the item#CurrentRow# fields in array

<!-- End -->

<!--- place the values into a new form name using the formCount --->

<!--- perform insert  using new form fields --->

     <cfloop from="1" to="#formCount#" index="i">
                    INSERT inventory
                              (item_ID,Group_item_ID ) 
                               values ('#Evaluate("form.newName#i#")#',

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