There is a cfx , which has a lot of extra math functions

that Tom wrote maybe that would be some help ?

Otherwise is a good place to get LIB's  or check out


----- Original Message -----
From: "Karl Simanonok" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2000 6:02 PM
Subject: Statistical Analyses

> I would like to be able to perform statistical analyses (T-tests,
> Wilcoxon signed-rank tests, chi-square, linear regression, etc.) on data
> sets stored in databases (SQL Server 7 or Access).  There don't seem to
> be any custom tags at Allaire for the purpose.  Can anyone point me to
> custom tags or even pseudocode algorithms for doing statistics?
> In some discussion with local CF developers, we have considered what
> would be the optimal approach for doing statistical computing.  The
> consensus seems to be that Javascript is too slow, lacks many useful
> math functions, and would in some cases require a lot of data to be
> transferred for client-side processing.  ColdFusion offers the advantage
> of server-side processing of data and just delivering the results to the
> user, but might also be rather inefficient.  A compiled CFX would
> probably be an improvement, but requires the intervention of a whole
> lower-level programming environment.  I'm thinking that stored
> procedures might work well in SQL Server, but not everyone thinks so,
> citing lack of many math functions.  Some think that server-side Java is
> the way to go.  What do you people think?
> Regards,
> Karl Simanonok
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