I got it working.. right now notusing coldfusion solution, 

I downloaded pkzipc (command line utility for pkzip on windows) installed it.

now whenever user selects a folder he is interested in (the one from which he 
selectively chooses folders and files to zip )

I first create batch file (which I run using cfexecute). first line in the 
batch file is a "cd "- change directory. cfexecute now changes its directory to 
the directory of interest And then teh second line is, the pkzipc command BUT 
WITH FULL PATH NAME (this is what threw me off for a while. since when done 
thru the command prompt, it doesn't complain. but when run thru cfexecute it 
still wouldn't complain but wouldn't create the zip either) to the pkzipc 
executable. So basically my batch file looke like:

cd curdirectory
"c:\program files\pkzip\pkzipc\pkzipc.exe" -add -recurse -path=current 
"folder1\*.*" "folder9\*.*" "file23"

Make sure you enclose the names in double quotes to take care of spaces in the 

Thanks all for your tiem with this. Actually the guy at pkzip helpmed me a lot 
with this. He is the one who suggested to give the full path to the executable.

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