I definitely don't think limiting features is the way to go. In fact I would
like to see the opposite happen. Right now we have CFStandard and
CFEnterprise, which are 2 totally different products, with different
installs, paths and administration. Adding a CFFree to the mix with more
limitations and idiosyncrasies is just going to make things more confusing.
There should only be one CFServer that has ALL functionality including
gateways. The pricing should perhaps be more granular, such as:
-    0$: limited to 3 IPs (like developer edition today)
-  500$: max of 1 instance/sandbox (similar to CF Standard is today)
- 1000$: max of 2-5 instances/sandboxes
- 2000$: max of 5-20 instances/sandboxes
- 3000$: max of 20-50 instances/sandboxes
- 4000$: unlimited instances/sandboxes (like CF Enterprise is today)

At least like this small shops will be more encouraged to implement secure
environments using sandboxes without having to dish out 5K.

Perhaps a free version could be limited to 3 concurrent connections (rather
than 3 IPs) so that small sites who can't pay can get up and running. When
they start to get popular and grow, it will be a no-brainer to dish out 500$
or 1000$ to upgrade, instead of recoding the whole site in PHP to avoid it:

- 0$: limited to 3 concurrent connections

Just some thoughts,

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