Well, it's not what I think of as a site mapping tool (and it's
certainly not free), but I've used a product called maximine that
really does a nice job of spidering your site and reporting orphaned
resources, duplicate resources and a LOT of other stuff.

Sounds like it might be massive overkill for what you're trying to
accomplish, but in the event I'm wrong: http://www.maxamine.com/.

On 3/23/06, Barthle, Robert (Contractor) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does anyone have some ideas?
> Perhaps I can rephrase the needs. We want something that can accurately find 
> all kinds of orphans (images and files) as well as different entry points 
> into a site (if possible). Some are linear sites, some are fusebox. All are 
> CF.
> 99% of the projects we work on are legacy projects done by another company 
> who literally did not understand the importance of documentation of any kind, 
> and we've gotten bitten a few times by orphans causing problems in the 
> applications. Because of the nature of our project timelines, some of these 
> applications have not been touched yet by us, so we're flying blind with 
> them. We're going through the code by hand, but that is really tedious and 
> any tool we can find to make our lives easier, the better it is for us.
> thanks
> -r
> ___________________________________________
> Rob Barthle
> Sr. Web Developer (Dept. of Ed Contractor)
> Nortel Government Solutions, Inc.
> 202-245-6484
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Barthle, Robert (Contractor)
> Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2006 12:08 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: OT: site mapping tool recommendations
> I have been tasked to look at some site mapping tools. Anyone here used any 
> that they recommend?
> Doesn't have to be open source/freeware, though that would be nice. :)
> thanks
> -r
> ___________________________________________
> Rob Barthle
> Sr. Web Developer (Dept. of Ed Contractor)
> Nortel Government Solutions, Inc.
> 202-245-6484

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