If you can't find one that fits your need, I'd be more than willing to work 
with you on a price and bundle up all of the House of Fusion mailing list code 
into a nice package for you. It's mostly CF 7 at the moment using the directory 
watcher gateway service but can be reconfigured for scheduled events or iMS 
post watching in little time. Also, while it is based on iMS for sending mail, 
it can be reworked for CFMAIL or other packages as needed. 

As a side note, I have not tested CFMAIL to the level of sending or header 
configuration that I have iMS. CFMAIL may be able to reconfigure all of the 
headers like I have them using iMS but I don't have the time to experiment on 
that at the moment. Additionally, CFMAIL may also be able to handle the mass of 
email that I send, but not as efficiently as iMS due to the threading. iMS sets 
a single mail file and spawns off a number of sub-files contailing the sending 
information per person that refers back to the base mail file. CFMAIL creates a 
full email per person. 

>Good morning,
>I know this has come up dozens of times (and am searching the
>archives), but I am wondering if the field has changed.
>I am looking for a COTS mailinglist/web-based forum system that
>supports html messages, has a decent web-based front end and back end,
>and is compatible with cfmx 7 and sql server.
>A couple dozen messages a day to a couple thousand users is all the
>volume for now, but hope to grow.
>The ability to imbed the web-based forms into our existing sites is paramount.
>Any recommendations and rough pricing?
>Jerry Johnson

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