And of course, you shouldn't perform the query without cfqueryparam
tags, so in general you should find another way to execute your query.
I have a sql abstraction layer in my onTap framework which prepares
query syntax in sort of a similar manner that does use cfqueryparam,
however, creating that is a _lot_ of work and probably more than you'd
want to tackle unless you have a specific need for database agnostic
code (in my case I've done a lot of migrating applications away from
MS Access to more robust databases, usually SQL Server, so I built it
initially largely because I find that migration work dreadful).

> It's not possible to load tags into a variable and then
> execute them directly in CF. The entire basis of what your
> doing would never work (unless you write the info to file
> and cfinclude it but that's a different story for a
> different time)
> If you were doing a standard query without any CF tags
> within the query it would work ok, but those tags kill it.

>>In the function I replace the locumtenency by the
>>cfqueryparam-tag and run
>>the query:
>><cffunction name="runPreparedQuery" ...>
>>       myNewSql = replace(arguments.mySql, "[CHAR]",
>>       chr(60)&"cfqueryparam
>>value="&chr(34), "All");
>>       myNewSql = replace(myNewSql, "[/CHAR]", chr(34)& "
>><cfquery name="queryResult" datasource="#dbName#"
>>      #myNewSql#
>><cfreturn queryResult />
>>Although the sql-string looks correct if I dump it and it
>>works if I copy it
>>directly into the cfquery-tag it throws an database-error
>>in the way I use
>>Any ideas???
>>I use CF MX7 and a db2-database
>>Thanks a lot in advance,

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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