NH> Saw the demo.  Cool sh t!

Thanks Nick,

I wonder why almost nobody uses it except me :)
It really helps me to work with fb application structure fast.
When the project is large, it helps greatly.
I don't use 'edit node' feature often, I open circuit and fusebox
files and edit them manually instead.
But smart navigation and 'open fuse' features are very useful.
DB explorer is useful also. Doubleclick on tablename to see table
structure. Doubleclick on [reference] image in the table field and
you get the referenced table.


NH> -----Original Message-----
NH> From: Sergey Croitor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
NH> Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 9:32 AM
NH> To: CF-Talk
NH> Subject: ANN: Fusebox Editor based on XmlHttpRequest.

NH> Hi,

NH> It's a refreshless DHTML editor for fusebox and circuit xml
NH> files. The editor is a part of Docubee project.
NH> It is not AJAX based but uses same approach, just another
NH> implementation.
NH> Fusebox xml files show up as editable trees.
NH> Works in IE6 and Firefox.

NH> Docubee Fusebox Editor live demo(login:password demo:demo)
NH> http://www.docubee.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=browse.liveFBDemo

NH> Docubee Forms live demo(login:password demo:demo)
NH> http://www.docubee.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=browse.liveDBDemo

NH> IE screenshot
NH> http://www.docubee.com/images/fb2.gif

NH> Download link (200 Kb):
NH> http://www.docubee.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=download.docubeeCF

NH> All is draggable and resizable there. XmlObjects inside, it uses
NH> XmlHttpRequest to retrieve/upload xml files, predefined attribute
NH> values as SELECT dropdowns according to DTD, dropdown lists to
NH> choose a fuseaction for DO, RELOCATE nodes, shows fusedoc part of 
NH> a fuse as a tree, etc.
NH> You can use it to open fuse CFM files in your editor when it
NH> runs locally by click on INCLUDE node in a circuit tree.

NH> Simple to install, just unpack it in the directory where your
NH> FB4/4.1 projects are located and choose 
FUSEBOX >>> search for Fusebox projects
NH> Open circuit tree by click on a circuit node in a fusebox tree.

NH> Some features:

NH> -Show fuseaction dependency. It shows which fuseactions have XFAs
NH>  pointing to given fuseaction and which fuseactions call given
NH>  fuseaction by DO tag.

NH> -Onclick event for DO tag opens appropriate circuit and
NH>  focuses at fuseaction. You can easily browse through fuseactions in
NH>  different circuits by one click.
NH> -"Browse History" panel. Each time you select a fuseaction, it
NH>  is appended to "Browse History". All items are clickable there so
NH>  you can easily pick up some previous fuseaction and go back to see
NH>  fuseaction details.

NH> -[source] button for a circuit node. You can open now
NH>  circuit.xml.cfm content in your CFML editor by clicking on
NH>  this button(when running locally).
NH> -Onclick event for INCLUDE tag opens cfm fuse file in your CFML
NH>  editor(when running locally).

NH> -[collapse] button for circuit node helps you to see compact list 
NH>  of fuseaction captions and open necessary fuseaction by click.

NH> -Search for/rename orphaned files in fusebox project. This action
NH>  searches for all .cfm files which are not listed in circuit.xml
NH>  [include] tags. If .cfm file is called by <cfinclude> in the file
NH>  which is listed in circuit, it also considered as not orphaned.
NH>  You get the list of orphaned files, then edit it by excluding 
NH>  some entries, then rename.
NH> I tested it working on large projects with more than 50 circuits 
NH> and 500 fuseactions.
NH> Firefox draws circuit xml tree much faster than IE.
NH> Strange but true :)

NH> site: http://www.docubee.com

NH> See HowTo help panel for more info.
NH> I'd appreciate any feedback.

NH> Thanks,
NH> Sergey Croitor

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