This is only going to be a problem for people that apply the patch, and
we all know almost nobody applies patches.  ;) 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andy Matthews [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 8:46 AM
> But that's no going to happen. It's all well and good for us 
> developers to
> use alternate browsers, but until the overwhelming majority 
> of users switch
> to something other than IE, that's what we use.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Artur Kordowski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 9:44 AM
> One reason more to use an other browser then IE.
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 5:40 PM
> In case you didn't know Microsoft will be making a change to 
> IE6 with their
> April 11 security patch (sorry if this is old news).
> This came to my attention today when they made web developers 
> here install
> the change and test our pages.
> EVERYTHING USING FLASH FORMS BROKE!!  Well not exactly broke, 
> you have to
> click on the flash form before it will do anything.  If you 
> have a page that
> has nothing except a flash form that originally used remoting 
> to show data,
> it won't do it until the user clicks on it.  Not likely if 
> the user only
> sees a white page.
> Also, if you have a small flash form as part of a page with 
> other stuff the
> following won't work until you click on the flash form:
> onactivate     ondragleave     onmouseout
> onbeforeactivate       ondragover      onmouseover
> onbeforecopy   ondragstart     onmouseup
> onbeforecut    ondrop  onmousewheel
> onbeforedeactivate     onfocus         onmove
> onbeforepaste  onfocusin       onmoveend
> onblur         onfocusout      onmovestart
> onclick        onhelp  onpage
> oncontextmenu  onkeydown       onpaste
> oncontrolselect        onkeypress      onresize
> oncopy         onkeyup         onresizeend
> oncut  onlosecapture   onresizestart
> ondblclick     onmousedown     onscroll
> ondeactivate   onmouseenter    onselectstart
> ondragend      onmouseleave
> ondragenter    onmousemove
> The fix from microsoft says to generate the embed, object, 
> etc tags through
> an imported js or jscript file, but I don't generate these,
> CFMX7 does when I use cfform.
> Does anyone know how I can restore the functionality?  Our 
> users will cause
> a big stink over this if we can't find a fix.

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