I don't use QofQ much and am having some troubles that maybe someone can help 

I am building a query called getShipping that populates code, description, 

I am then running a query of queries checking on the selected rate.

<cfquery name="shipping" dbtype="query">
  SELECT code,description,rate
  FROM getShipping
  <cfif StructKeyExists(order, "shipMethod")>
   <cfif order.shipMethod Neq "">
    WHERE code = '#order.shipMethod#'

The problem is erroring out on the WHERE code = '#order.shipMethod#' ... even 
if it has a valid method (ie FEDEXGROUND) it is giving the following error:

Query Of Queries runtime error.
Unsupported type comparison. 

1) does anyone see any problem with this?
2) Is there anotherway of getting a specific row/column value out of a query 
result set ?

Paul Giesenhagen

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