> I figured the file was used as storage and then the two
> were merging, but
> how does the resource file data get from

> ok=ok
> cancel=cancel

> to

> Go=\u0E44\u0E1B
> Cancel=\u0E22\u0E01\u0E40\u0E25\u0E34\u0E01

> Where is \u0E44\u0E1B coming from?

On ColdFusion, never... :) it should never have \uXXXX in it if you're
using ColdFusion. Java ResourceBundles work that way because the spec
for Java says that the file has to be ASCII text, so the \uXXXX
sequence is their way of escaping unicode characters (which is then
used by the Java classes for handling resource bundles). But because
ColdFusion has no such (silly) restriction, we simply create our
resource bundles using UTF-8 files where there's no need for the
\uXXXX syntax (which only exists with Java to allow the file to be
stored in ASCII format).

> I guess this is where I get screwed up.  The examples work
> fine from the
> start so I don't think it's a path issue, but more me not
> understanding the
> format of the keys to the value.

If you really needed to use ASCII formatted resource bundles, you
could loop over the string and replace each instance with its unicode
equivalent, but that's going to produce lots of extra and unnecessary
overhead for other languages.

Iirc Paul provided a couple different resource bundle packages on the
developer's exchange. One that uses java resource bundles (which is
more academic or for accessing existing resources) and one for pure
ColdFusion, which is the one you want for any new CF project. If
you're using the java version, stop. Please. For the love of God! :)

s. isaac dealey     434.293.6201
new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

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