
I ran into a java.net.connectexception when trying to start
a flex-message gateway (for the session tracker example).

I tried to fix it using this technote, but I did something wrong.

Can someone please do a search on "jvm.config" and "jndi.properties" on his
CFMX 7 folder (with mystic update) and mail it to me ?

Does anyone know why this error occured ?

Thanks !


To avoid this problem, edit either the *jvm.config* or
*jndi.properties*files of the JRun server to bind the RMI service to
the external IP address.
The following examples demonstrate the work-arounds:

   1. *jvm.config*

   java.args=-Djava.rmi.server.hostname=[server name or IP address]
   3. *jndi.properties*

   Add the following property to jndi.properties:

   java.rmi.server.hostname=[server ip address


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