What a cool project.

On 4/6/06, Ken Fused <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thank you
> Andy this works great. Thank you.
> I removed the 0 and now I get random 6 digit hex values that do not contain 
> Zeros. As the numbers are generated I'll check them against the values that 
> exist in the DB before adding them to the db to ensure uniqueness.
> I could have used UUID, but the length was overkill. I could have used 
> listfirst() and pulled the first 8 characters and had it not been for Andy's 
> solution I would have gone that way. So thank you form bringing up the use of 
> This will be used for a project for my 5 year old daughter (ok at daddy's 
> urging).  Today is her birthday.  I have rented a helium tank for a year.  
> Everyday we are going to launch balloons with a plastic easter egg attached 
> to them.
> Inside the egg will be a laminated piece of paper with the 6 digit 
> registration number, a website address and directions to register when and 
> where the balloon was found.
> The registration number will be used as a unique id to tie the found data 
> with the launch informaiton, when the balloon was launched, where, time of 
> day, weather conditions, wind information, etc...
> It will be fun for her to make meet other people and see were they live in 
> comparison to where the balloon was launched.  Initially for her it will be 
> about people finding her balloons and making friends.
> I wouldn't mind keeping this up for god only knows how long. Then as she gets 
> into science classes etc.. she can use the data for school projects...
> I am hoping to use google maps to show the locations of where the balloons 
> were launched and found.  But I've not started on the piece yet.
> >I have a function that I wrote for this very purpose.
> >
> ><cfscript>
> >       /**
> >        * Returns a random hexadecimal color
> >        * @return Returns a string.
> >        * @author andy matthews ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> >        * @version 1, 7/22/2005
> >        */
> >
> >       function randomHexColor() {
> >               var chars = "0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,a,b,c,d,e,f";
> >               var totalChars = 6;
> >               var hexCode = '';
> >
> >               for ( step=1;step LTE totalChars; step = step + 1) {
> >                       hexCode = hexCode & 
> > ListGetAt(chars,RandRange(1,ListLen(chars)));
> >               }
> >               return hexCode;
> >       }
> ></cfscript>
> >
> ><!----------------//------
> >andy matthews
> >web developer
> >ICGLink, Inc.
> >615.370.1530 x737
> >--------------//--------->
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Ken Fused [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 9:47 AM
> >To: CF-Talk
> >Subject: Creating Random HEX values
> >
> >
> >I need to create random six digit Hex values for a assigning unique,
> >non-sequential values as IDs.
> >
> >I would prefer not to use zeros.  Althought I could replace o(ohs) with
> >0(zeros) when the number is manually entered back into the system.
> >
> >Any ideas?

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