Yeah, the cieling (i before e except after c, right?) thing looked like it
might even it out also.

But the problem then becomes that you have Amber 234-4556 across from Zeno
204-2340, right?

CSS and a set number of records per "page" seems easiest to me right now...
a simple position:float on <p>s or some such... if pages are a req.

On 4/7/06, Mike Kear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No, he knew what he meant.  Made sense to me.
> His code was like this:
> <CFOUTPUT QUERY="myQuery ">
>          <CFIF myQuery.recordcount MOD 2>
>                  <!--- Display all elements for 2 column --->
>          <CFELSE>
>                  <!--- Display all elements for 1 column --->
>          </CFIF>
> However if the query has an odd number of records, it'll output the
> whole thing in one column. It'll only give you two columns if there's
> an even number of records.  I dont think that's what the original
> poster wanted.
> I think the process should go like this (Untested but I think it should
> work):
> <!----[ Figure out how many records should be in each column ]---->
> <cfset columnlength = myQuery.recordcount/2 />
> <!----[ if there is an odd number of records, add 1 to the first
> column to make it the longer of the two ]---->
> <cfif myQuery.recordcount MOD 2>
>   <cfset columnlength = columnlength + 1 />
> </cfif>
> <!----[ Output the records for the first column ]---->
> <div id="leftcolumn">
> <cfoutput query="myQuery" startrow="1" maxrows="#columnlength#">
> #rowstuff# <br />
> </cfoutput>
> </div>
> <!----[ Output the records for the second column. ]---->
> <div id="rightcolumn">
> <cfoutput query="myQuery" startrow="#columnlength +1#">
> #rowstuff# <br />
> </cfoutput>
> </div>
> And if you're still in the early 2000s and using tables for layout,
> you'll get this for output:
> <table>
>   <tr>
> <td>
> row 1
> row 2
> row 3
> row 4
> row 5
> </td>
> <td>
> row 6
> row 7
> row 8
> row 9
> row 10
> </td>
> </tr>
> </table>
> Or if you've moved into the 21st century and are using CSS based
> layouts, you'll get something like this:
> <div id="leftcolumn">
> row 1
> row 2
> row 3
> row 4
> row 5
> </div>
> <div id="rightcolumn">
> row 6
> row 7
> row 8
> row 9
> row 10
> </div>
> Cheers
> Mike Kear
> Windsor, NSW, Australia
> Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
> AFP Webworks
> ColdFusion, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month
> On 4/8/06, Denny Valliant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I think you meant:
> > <cfloop query="myQuery">
> >  <if currentrow MOD 2>
> >    all row one data
> >  <cfelse>
> >    all row two data (or is that backwards? ;)
> >  </cfif>
> > </cfloop>
> >

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