On 4/11/06, Dave Francis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Isaac, I wish it were otherwise, but with multi-core, multi-threaded
> processors/processes, I'm not sure that people CAN optimize software any
> longer. At least, at the code level. It just isn't cost-effective to spend
> days trying to tweak a block of code down to 200 cyles from 220 cycles.
> (unless you're John Carmack!)
> I can remember the days when it did matter (I wrote Assembler on a 360/40,
> circa 1967), but I just don't believe that that's the case any longer.

You get 30k people all using that app at the same time and what? :-)

I guess the whole low level code thing is too focused.  Like, I guess what I
was talking about was more like the single query with multiple joins.

(That link to Shpeckle the painter* (I know, sp) was so funny. Maybe it was
just my state of mind, but when I got to the part about the 300 meter
brush, I just lost it (*the link to the "actual numbers" or whatnot))

I don't know. Doesn't CF take care of query caching? ;-)

I guess my point is that I can see the point of not worrying too much,
but I don't buy into believing things will change in the future. Arg! Of
course things will change, but, um. Well... I guess don't go around
smoking, thinking that, "what the hell, by the time I get cancer, we'll
have the technology to..."  Or you can, hell, I do sometimes, and it
could be true, but the safest bet is to avoid smoking. :-/

Not really a point as such, I guess, but take it from my dad and
muscle cars... there will always be optimization to be done.
Whether it really makes things faster is besides the point. =P

The link to the thing about strings was more conceptual than not.

Take one look at the gamer market and tell me that people aren't
still concerned with shaving .00002 off of some random shade routine.
:-) Thank god. I kind of dig that.

Hey Isaac, ever read "the age of spiritual machines"?

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