I think this may be what you need.


On 4/13/06, Jamie Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't know how to CONCLUSIVELY determine which version of the JDBC driver 
> that a given instance of CFMX is using. I made up my own function (see 
> below*), but I'm not completely sure it's trustworthy, because  of the 
> surprising results I get.
> Can somebody give me the authoritative way to determine the driver version IN 
> USE?
> Thanks,
> Jamie
> * Is this a valid way to get which version of the driver a given datasource 
> is using? I made it up.
> <cffunction name="getJDBCDriverInfo" output="false" returntype="struct"
>  hint="returns a JDBC driver info">
>   <cfargument name="dsn" type="string" required="yes">
>   <cfargument name="catalog" type="string" required="yes"
>    hint="catalog(name) is, for example, the 'db' name (according to MSSQL) or 
> the 'schema' name (according to ORACLE)">
>   <cfargument name="username" type="string" required="yes">
>   <cfargument name="password" type="string" required="yes">
>   <cfscript>
>   // declare local variables
>   var dss = "";
>   var conn = "";
>   var mdata = "";
>   /* create a datasource service */
>   // Create a service factory
>   dss = CreateObject("java", "coldfusion.server.ServiceFactory");
>   // get a datasource service
>   dss = dss.getDataSourceService();
>   /* configure connection */
>   // set CF datasource name
>   conn = dss.getDataSource(dsn);
>   // set db login
>   conn = conn.getConnection(username,password);
>   // get metadata from connection
>   mdata = conn.getMetaData();
>   // provide some info about the driver
>   driverSct["MajorVersion"] = mdata.getDriverMajorVersion();
>   driverSct["MinorVersion"] = mdata.getDriverMinorVersion();
>   driverSct["DriverVersion"] = mdata.getDriverVersion();
>   driverSct["Name"] = mdata.getDriverName();
>   </cfscript>
>   <!--- <cfdump var="#mdata#"> --->
>   <!--- return the query of metadata --->
>   <cfreturn driverSct>
> </cffunction>

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