HI cfCoder

You could try something along these lines:


You could then be selective to the tags you wish to strip out.

Hope this helps.

All the best

Jose Diaz

On 4/13/06, cf coder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Everybody,
> I need your help with regular expressions. I'm trying to strip out HTML
> tags from a string to pass it to a flash movie.
> I've found a script that does this but the problem is that I want to keep
> some html formatting specifically the following tags:
> <b>, <br>, <span>, <i>, <strong>, <div>, <p>
> Here is the code:
> <cfscript>
> function StripHTML(str) {
> return REReplaceNoCase(str,"<[^>]*>","<br>","ALL");
> }
> </cfscript>
> <cfset logtext = "<table>
> <tr><td><p><span class=body>This is some example text</span></p></td></tr>
> <tr><td><b>Friday 17 march, 2006</b><br>12:54 PM</td></tr>
> </table>">
> <cfset str = StripHTML(logtext)>
> The above script strips out the everything between the opening and closing
> angle brackets "<" and ">".
> Is there any way to tell the regular expression to do the above but not
> process the following tags: <b>, <br>, <span>, <i>, <strong>, <div>, <p>
> I would be really greatful if someone could post the regular expression to
> do this.
> Best regards,
> cfcoder

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