Before upgrading MDAC, I used to be able to combine text fields in a
query.  I was doing this to pack more information into the Custom fields
in Verity.  EG:

This Access 97 query used to work...

   SELECT (articles.title + articles.subtitle) AS CombinedTitle

Since the MDAC upgrade I get an error when I use that syntax (also when
using '&' rather than '+'): CMemoryException: unknown cause -

Is this just a syntax issue with the new MDAC (if so, can anyone tell me
the proper syntax?) or am I no longer allowed to do this?  The error
occurrs under both MDAC 2.5 and 2.6.  The MDAC version I was using
previously (when it worked) was the one that shipped with CF 3.  Now
running CF 4.0.1, NT4 SP6a, MDAC 2.6, if that matters.

Any suggestions would be appreciated!  Thanks,

Darin Cosgrove
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