> Anything jump out?

The lack of an error message from MySQL that indicates where the
syntax error occurred?


On 4/19/06, Josh Nathanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> All,
> Got a query that works fine in MySQL 4.1 but not MySQL 5, I get a SQL syntax
> error.  It looks hairy but there are three tables involved: Orders,
> Order_No, and Products.  The subquery joins Orders and Order_No, the main
> query joins the result of the subquery (alias ord) with Products (alias P).
> <cfquery name="qry_get_user_products" datasource="#Request.DS#"
> username="#Request.user#"
> password="#Request.pass#">
> SELECT P.Product_ID, P.Name, P.SKU, ord.Options, ord.DateOrdered FROM
>       (SELECT Orders.Product_ID, Orders.Options, Order_No.DateOrdered FROM
>        Order_No LEFT JOIN Orders ON Order_No.Order_No = Orders.Order_No
>        WHERE Order_No.User_ID = <cfqueryparam value="#attributes.user_id#"
> cfsqltype="CF_SQL_INTEGER">)
>         ord
> LEFT JOIN Products P ON P.Product_ID = ord.Product_ID
> ORDER BY ord.DateOrdered DESC
> </cfquery>
> I tested the subquery by itself and it works fine in 4 and 5, produces the
> expected results, so it must be something about joining the result ord with
> Products P.  Anything jump out?
> -- Josh

Barney Boisvert

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