> RSS was originally built as a solution to provide near
> real-time updates on a site.

Jacob: The blogosphere has mechanisms to handle real-time updates, and 
syndication feeds ain't one of 'em. Never has been.

> Fullasagoog polls every 15 minutes, not
> sure how often MXNA does it.

If all they're doing is HEADing the resource, fine. If they're GETting it, then 
something's broken.

> RSS load is a common problem for 
> website
> admins, but I don't ever hear people saying "I need to stop my 
> visitors
> from hitting my site so often"...

You're not paying attention to the syndication community, then. :D Complaints 
about overly aggressive aggregators are common.

> But again, they didn't try to limit the
> traffic but rather dealt with the load.

Slashdot explicitly insists that feeds only be polled once every thirty 
minutes. And they've been known to block IPs.

Roger Benningfield

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