Next time it comes up I'll create a recipe.  It's only when I'm doing
complex dynamic creation of queries, and then trying a query of query of the
query I created.  I don't think that it's anything preserveQuotes would fix,
and I haven't tried re-writing the generation to use cfqueryparams... I
could filter it though a cfqueryparam-er next time and see what happens
there tho.  Hmmm... really just an edge case, I'm thinking- if it's anything
at all, as noone else has run into it. I know the generated SQL is valid, I
can cut and paste the same string into a 3rd party query thingy and it works
fine.  The mysterious doubles only happen within the cfquery tag itself.

On 4/17/06, Ben Nadel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there anyway you can make the SQL less dynamic and include
> CFQueryParams... That usually takes care of apostrophe type stuff. But if
> you cannot, I am not sure I have any ideas... Can you post the generated
> SQL??
> -ben
> .......................
> Ben Nadel
> Web Developer
> Nylon Technology
> 350 7th Ave.
> Suite 1005
> New York, NY 10001
> 212.691.1134 x 14
> 212.691.3477 fax
> Sanders: Lightspeed too slow?
> Helmet: Yes we'll have to go right to ludacris speed.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Denny Valliant [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, April 15, 2006 11:55 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Query o Queries and apost's
> While I'm thinking about it, has anyone seen a weird thing with QoQs,
> where
> if you are using generated SQL (  like so:
> <cfquery name="qoq" dbtype="query">
>    #someSQL#
> </cfquery>
> )
> You get strange extra apostrophes?  I say strange because doing <cfset
> someSQL = replace(someSQL,"'","","ALL")> doesn't work, (there aren't any
> extra apostrophes in the first place) but  <cfquery name="qoq"
> dbtype="query">
>    #replace(someSQL,"'","","ALL")#
> </cfquery>
> does? I.E. the extra 's only get added within the <cfquery> tag?
> (Pretend I have correct ordering of vars in replace ;-))
> I think it just must be a brain-fart somewhere along the line... I haven't
> seen anything like it via google, so I figure, it's on this end.

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