On 4/19/06, Dan G. Switzer, II <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > The one exception to CF killing a thread when a connections is closed > might > be if you were using CFFLUSH to dump the output stream to the browser. > It's
Seems to be hit and miss. I've got a long running page that uses cfflush, sometimes it stops running (when browser go away), mostly it doesn't. Maybe the confusion is in the socketWhatNot error or whatever, that one that happens when they've hit cancel or whatnot when CF tried to send more? That sorta lends to the idea that somehow the browser can effect stuff or whatever. Ball of conciseness this day, ain't I? Apologies... I must need a break. Anybody got a kit-kat? *inhaled-laugh* *groan* :D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Message: http://www.houseoffusion.com/lists.cfm/link=i:4:238234 Archives: http://www.houseoffusion.com/cf_lists/threads.cfm/4 Subscription: http://www.houseoffusion.com/lists.cfm/link=s:4 Unsubscribe: http://www.houseoffusion.com/cf_lists/unsubscribe.cfm?user=11502.10531.4 Donations & Support: http://www.houseoffusion.com/tiny.cfm/54