I'm going to have to do some serious thinking about this.  Performance on
the mailer is a lot slower than I'd like, and I suspect its because I'm
using evaluate.  Here's what happens:

1) Customer saves their message content, which might look something like:

Dear #firstname# #lastname#:

Blah blah blah

2) When they approve the message for sending, I queue the messages as:

MessageID (referencing the previous message)
MemberID (referencing the member tables which contain all the information)

It then cfloops through each memberid, using evaluate to put in the correct
member information, and generates personalized emails.

I'm not the strongest programmer in the world, so this took some time to
work out.  Biggest issue is I'm shortly taking on a much larger customer
than I've dealt with before, so mailing sizes will increase from 20-30k per
mailing to upwards of 200-300k messages.

Problem is, I have no way of knowing what the message content will be before
its sent, nor which variables the customer will choose to use in a
particular mailing (they have about 45 fields to choose from). Hmm.

On 4/19/06 4:20 AM, "Russ Michaels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> the variable must exist or you cannot evaluate it.
> In my example I specified saving the content to a file and cfincluding it,
> which is not what you have done below.
> This works fine for what you want below.
> <cfset content = "this is some dynamic content">
> <cfset foo = "This is static content. #content#">
> <cfoutput>
> #foo#
> </cfoutput>
> Here is an example of evaluating an external file.
> <cfset content = "this is some dynamic content">
> <cfsavecontent variable="contentfile">
> <cfinclude template="content.cfm">
> </cfsavecontent>
> content from file:<br>
> <br>
> <cfoutput>
> #evaluate(de(contentfile))#
> </cfoutput>
> --
> Russ (snake) Michaels
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Bruce, Rodney S C-E LCMC HQISEC/Signal Solutions"
> To: CF-Talk <cf-talk@houseoffusion.com>
> Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 13:30:08 -0700
> Subject: RE: Evaluate vs ?
>> Ok, guess I am missing something here:
>> <cfset foo = "fee fi fo fum #variable# this is dynamic content">
>> If #variable# is not set CF errors, If #variable# is set puts value
>> into
>> foo.
>> #foo#    -------foo would output to be   "fee fi fo fum #variable# this
>> is
>> dynamic content"  is what was wanted??
>> </CFOUTPUT> -----not necessarily outputted, but to still contains the
>> #variable# unresolved?
>> This will set that up:
>> <cfset foo = "fee fi fo fum ##variable## this is dynamic content">
>> But even using evaluate, this errors with (Invalid CFML construct
>> found):
>> <cfset variable = "fub">
>> <cfoutput>
>> #evaluate(foo)#
>> </cfoutput>
>> And just to test, this errors if #variable# is not set
>> <cfset foo = Evaluate("fee fi fo fum #variable# this is dynamic
>> content")>
>> Can you show were this would work and be used, with evaluate?
>> Have me curious now.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Aaron Rouse [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2006 12:24 PM
>> To: CF-Talk
>> Subject: Re: Evaluate vs ?
>> This does the same thing as his:
>> <cfset foo = "fee fi fo fum #variable# this is dynamic content">
>> My guess is he was saying for the value of "variable" to not be put
>> into foo
>> until the time that it was outputed instead of when set.

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