I'm essentially creating a glorified import process to join data from two of
our systems and I'm seeing some strange things from CF/SQL Server 2000.
It's fairly simple - I'm looping over one query and inserting data into a
second database, calling private functions within the same CFC to retrieve
some of the values.

Here is the code that results in "invalid object" database error:
<cfoutput query="q">
        <cfquery name="qq" datasource="mas500_orders">
                INSERT INTO tecSOLine(ItemKey)
                VALUES(<cfqueryparam value="#getItemKey(sku)#"

I get the same error when I try #getItemKey(sku)# without the cfqueryparam.

The following code, wherein I retrieve the key ahead of the insert query and
then use cfqueryparam, does NOT produce the error.  

<cfoutput query="q">
        <cfset myKey=getItemKey(sku)>
        <cfquery name="qq" datasource="mas500_orders">
                INSERT INTO tecSOLine(ItemKey)
                VALUES(<cfqueryparam value="#myKey#"

I'm stumped. Any clues?

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