Not sure what to tell you.  I usually get null pointer exceptions when
the constructor for a custom java class fails.  My first thought would
be that something changed in the feed definition XML and maybe it's
throwing off the selected items.  Clearly something changed between
the time it worked and the time it stopped working.  If you didn't
change any code then the best guess might be the feed itself.

Is there any way to investigate that?

On 4/24/06, Eric J. Hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Oh, this is from somewhere...the component I should say.  I don't need
> to do anything funky to get a component to get rolling, do I?  Here is
> the script:
> <!----------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------
> NAME:           GetNewsFeed
> FILE:           GetNewsFeed.cfc
> CREATED:         01/09/2003
> MODIFIED:        04/20/2003
> VERSION:         1.1
> AUTHOR:         Ian Mitchell ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> DESCRIPTION:    This CFC uses CFHTTP to retrieve an XML news feed from
>                 any RSS or RDF standard newsfeed.  The XML file is then
> parsed into
>                 a CF query object.
> ARGUMENTS:      url:       URL of the newsfeed to grab
>                 type:      RDF or RSS
>                            RDF handles RDF 1.0 standard news feeds
>                            RSS handls RSS 0.91 standard news feeds
>                            Both formats are locatable on Netscapes
> website.
> RETURNS:        Returns False if any errors occur, otherwise a query
> with the
>                 following structure is returned:
>                         title
>                                 string containing the title of an
> article
>                         description
>                                 string containing the description of an
> article
>                         link
>                                 URL to the article
> KNOWN ISSUES:   You should first test the query returned with an IsQuery
> in
>                 case an error is returned.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------->
> <cfcomponent>
>   <cffunction name="GetHeadlines" access="public" output="True">
>     <cfargument name="url" type="string" required="true"/>
>     <cfargument name="type" type="string" required="true"/>
>   <cfhttp url="#arguments.url#"/>
>   <cfscript>
>     try {
>       switch(trim(lcase(arguments.type))) {
>         case 'rdf':
>           selectedElements = XmlSearch(xmlparse(cfhttp.filecontent),
> "/rdf:RDF/:item");
>           break;
>         case 'rss':
>           selectedElements = XmlSearch(xmlparse(cfhttp.filecontent),
> "/rss/channel/item");
>           break;
>         default:
>           return false;
>           break;
>       }
>       articles = QueryNew("title, link, description");
>       for(index = 1;index lt ArrayLen(selectedElements);index = index +
> 1) {
>         QueryAddRow(articles);
> QuerySetCell(articles,"title",selectedElements[index].title.XmlText);
> QuerySetCell(articles,"link",selectedElements[index].link.XmlText);
> QuerySetCell(articles,"description",selectedElements[index].description.
> XmlText);
>       }
>     } catch(Any excpt) {
>       return excpt.Message;
>     }
>     </cfscript>
>     <cfreturn articles/>
>   </cffunction>
> </cfcomponent>
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Eric J. Hoffman
> Managing Partner
> 2081 Industrial Blvd
> StillwaterMN55082
> www:
> tel: 651.717.4105
> fax: 651.717.4115
> mob: 651.245.2717
> --------------------------------------------------------
> This message contains confidential information and is intended only for 
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> disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please notify [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> immediately by e-mail if you have received this e-mail by mistake and delete 
> this e-mail from your system. E-mail transmission cannot be guaranteed to be 
> secure or error-free as information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, 
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> therefore does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the 
> contents of this message, which arise as a result of e-mail transmission. If 
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> --------------------------------------------------------

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