<cfloop list="#ldap.ColumnList#" index="column">
        <cfset thisColumn="#column#">
        <cfset args["#thisColumn#"]=ldap["#thisColumn#"] />
        <cfoutput>#args[thisColumn]#</cfoutput> <!--- for debugging ---> 

Oh just to clean all this up.  And I have doing this exact type of functions 
for over two years, and have never had any ColdFusion problems.  The cfset 
thisColumn is completly redundant and one does not need all the quotes and 
pound signs.

<cfloop list="#ldap.ColumnList#" index="column">
        <cfset args[column]=ldap[column] />

<cfdump var="#args#"> <!--- For debugging of the entire loop at one time. --->

Ian Skinner
Web Programmer
Sacramento, CA

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"C code. C code run. Run code run. Please!"
- Cynthia Dunning

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