> G'day Dave, thanks for your suggestion.  Yes that's what I"m 
> doing for uploads - backing up to my own PC< then FTP the 
> backup to the site, then lodge a support ticket for the 
> support guy to restore it to the site.
> But it's a hassle, and I would rather have a way to do it 
> myself without needing support guys to do it for me.
> In the other direction, where I need to make a local copy of 
> a database on line, I can't  do a backup myself - the 
> database doesnt give permissions high enough for that.  So 
> again i have to ask teh support guy to take an additional 
> backup (he is supposed to be doing it every night - I'm 
> assuming he is) and put it on the site somewhere for me to 
> pick up by FTP later.

All of this could be automated, though. Of course, you (and/or they) would
have to build the job, but it would fix your immediate problem.

> But again, that's a real hassle and it would be far better if 
> i can find a practical way to get copies of databases myself 
> whenever i like.

You're right; I don't know enough about SQL Server 2005 to be able to give
you a better solution.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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