Hey Brian -

You have a couple of...not necessarily errors, but constructs that I
would consider unexpected.  For example,  "[\w+]*" when I think you
mean "\w+".  In a character class, "\w+" means, literally, a "w"
character or a "+" character.

Try this:

If you're allowing an empty value where it now says "Part-Time", try:

On 4/27/06, Brian McGarvie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi there... trying to match the following... Where you see 'Part-Time' I want 
> to be optional any text.....
> %20Java%20Part-Time%20Developer%20
> with the following code...
> [%20]*java%20[\w+]*%20developer[%20]*   <-- does not work
> %20java%20part-time%20developer%20      <-- works

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