At 09:39 PM 10/6/00 -0600, you wrote:
>Is it advisable to use locking when referencing a cached query?  I would
>assume a cached query fits the bill of being shared data.  If so, then
>wouldn't the lock need to be around the <cfquery> statment as well as
>references to any query values?

You don't need to lock MyQuery if you name it Request.MyQuery (that is, 
give it Request scope).

>Does modifying the contents of a cached query 'dirty' the cache, so that the
>query would automatically be run again on the next reference, or will the
>query remain (in its modified state) until the cache period expires?

A cached query is a cached query.  You reference it by its name in your CF 
templates, but CF includes, in addition, reference by SQL.  So if  by 
"modifying the contents of a cached query" you mean you have a dynamic 
query that's cached, for example:

<CFQUERY Name = "MyQuery"


then CF will cache a distinct dataset for each value of #FORM.ID#

OTOH, if by "modifying the contents of a cached query" you mean you modify 
the data in the underlying database, my *guess* is that this does not 
affect the cached query until it's requested after it times out.


best,  paul

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