IIF() is shorthand replacement for IF/THEN/ELSE.  Other langs have
IIF() too, eh?

<cfif foo IS 5>
   foo is 5
   foo is not 5

is equivalent to

IIF(foo IS 5, "'foo is 5'", "'foo is not 5'")

*note...mind the quotes!  "' is double quote followed by single quote


On 5/1/06, Matthew Chambers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Am I correct in saying that the IIf function and the <cfif> tag work 
> differently on the following scenerio. In the CFIF tag, when the CFIF fails 
> it will "jump over" the code which follows until a CFELSEIF, CFELSE or CFIF.
> Here's an example:
> ----------
> <CFIF>
> The cfif failed so this text is not run. More to the point this code is not 
> run, <cfquery>KILL DATABASE</cfquery>
> </CFIF>
> -----------
> Where as with the IIf function, CF will still test that the code for both the 
> true and false cases will work? This is dumb, because the whole point for an 
> IF is to check that you will have everything you need to run the code when it 
> returns true.
> :::CFIF eg:::
> <cfif IsDefined("foo">
> <cfset foo = foo+1>
> </cfif>
> :::IIf eg:::
> Iif(IsDefined("foo"),DE(foo=foo+1),DE('whatever'))
> Any thoughts?
> Cheers

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