3rd post, new subject line, haven't seen the first two come through . .

We have a request from someone who shares our server to create _80_
scheduled tasks for a reporting application. Each scheduled task would
create a single report and save it as an htm file so it doesn't have to
be created on the fly each time someone requests it. About 30 of these
tasks would be daily, another 30 would be weekly (all on the same day),
and the remaining 20 would be quarterly and yearly. 

Adding this many scheduled tasks is out of my comfort zone. 

What do you think?

I've suggested that they combine the dailies, weeklies, monthlies and
yearlies into four separate scheduled tasks. They don't like that idea.

Also, are there best practices for scheduling tasks through CF

Can you schedule multiple tasks to start at the same time and have them
fire and execute reliably? 

Is the number of tasks that can be scheduled to start simultaneously
limited only by the 'Limit simultaneous requests setting' in CF

We're still on CF5 on Win2K, migrating painfully slowly to CF7 on
Solaris . . .



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