When testing, form is sending...
strNAME1, numCOST1 (test values Bob, 300)
strNAME2, numCOST2 (test values John, 400)
strNAME3, numCOST3 (test values Robert, 500)
....and however many total there my be as defined by #form.intTravelerCount#

I've done a cfdump and confirmed that the fields are getting to the 
processing page, but when I try to loop through them like:

<cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#form.intTravelerCount#">
#Val(form["strName" & i])#  - $#Val(form["numCost" & i])#.00<br />

I'm getting:

0, 300
0, 400
0, 500

Why the heck am I getting "0" for the strName. Should be showing the 
contents of the field, strName1, which is correct in the cfdump.

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