There is a UDF at cflib called either VeritySafe or VerityClean that
will "fix" a search string for you.

Of course, you could also just wrap the <cfsearch> tag with a try/catch.

On 5/10/06, Luke Freeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, I'm new to Cold fusion's verity search functions and have a problem that
> hopefully someone will be able to help me with.
> I have set up a database collection and indexed it all. I am able to search
> on the data within the collection and it all seems to be working fine
> however, if I search
> on a Boolean command that is not complete I get errors. Examples.
> cat AND dog AND [throws error]
> cat AND dog AND cow [ok]
> AND cat [throws error]
> The <cfsearch> tag that I have used looks like the following:
> <cfsearch  name="SearchOutputA"
>                 collection="Secondtack"
>                 criteria="#searchquery# <OR> <WILDCARD># searchquery #* <OR>
> <PARAGRAPH>(# searchquery #)"
>                 type="simple">
> From what I can tell I need to clean the #searchquery# of [AND OR NOT]
> statements before passing it to the verity engine. Is this correct? And if
> so how do I do it?
> I want the search to perform the following:
> 1.      Word search
> 2.      Wildcard search
> 3.      Paragraph search
> It all works fine so long as no incomplete Boolean statements are passed. I
> just need a way to pick up on this error and handle it in the correct
> manner.
> Any advice would be most welcome!
> Regards
> Luke.

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