> > As part of my job I frequently go on site with customers 
> > that need help. I see anything from code without any 
> > framework to FuseBox 4, from in-house designed Fusebox 
> > look-alikes to Model-Glue. Some of it implemented well, 
> > some of it implemented not so well. And it is really 
> > very simple: if they use any of the well known frameworks, 
> > I am productive before the morning is over. If they don't, 
> > it can take who knows how long before I can make heads or 
> > tails of their code ...
> You seems to be implying that if you don't code with a 
> framework you've got undocumented, unstructured spaghetti 
> code.  Admittedly, there is a lot of the latter out there.

Unfortunately for Jochem, the places that are most likely to require his
help are also the ones most likely to have a mess o' spaghetti waiting for
him. That's generally been my experience as well, although the
implementation of specific frameworks hasn't made much of a difference in my
case - I've seen my share of bastardized Fusebox sites where their
Fusebox-alikeness hasn't been any help at all.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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