Thank you Denny, I will continue to experiment. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Denny Valliant [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 7:59 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Passing Java Applet vars back to CF

Here is some crappy code that lets you pass a CF session around, sorta, by
using the cftoken, cfid, and application name.

    <cfset tracker = createObject("java", "coldfusion.runtime.SessionTracker
    <cfset sessions = tracker.getSessionCollection(appName)>
        <cfset thisSesh = sessions["#appName#_#acfid#_#acftoken#"]>
        <cfset thisGrid = thisSesh["livegrid_#livegridname#"]>
        <cfloop list="#structKeyList(thisGrid)#" index="sv">
          <cfset arguments[sv] = thisGrid[sv]>

The above example is a snippet from my livegrid experiment. Thus the
grabbing of the passed session's ["livegrid_##"] var.

I ran into this problem because I'm a bad coder, as in I couldn't figure out
how to have a cfc that isn't part of any particular application have access
to the calling page's application and session vars.  Some of the stuff spans
requests, so I couldn't just slap them in the request scope. Eh. If it's any
clearer, I'd still like to know what best practice would be for this
scenario, but I fear that it's going to be "write better code". =-]

As for the actual question, you don't need a session to pass form vars
around. Or you shouldn't, AFAIC.  I assume you could always include the cfid
and cftoken in the URL, and that should preserve the session, depending on
the setup, but that might be what you mean by url.sessionID, I'm not sure.

Sorry no real solution to your problem, but I'm still a little fuzzy as to
what the scenario is, funny as that sounds.

This little snippit has power though.  Thanks Snake! :-) :deN

On 5/17/06, Mark Leder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The java applet logic passes back form params.  The form method is 
> already set to post.  The form params are vanishing after the file is 
> uploaded to CF's temp directory.  What I want to know is how does one 
> make java applet form vars get passed back to the correct session 
> (using the URL.sessionID that is passed in the string).
> Thanks,
> Mark
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dan G. Switzer, II [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 11:36 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: Passing Java Applet vars back to CF
> Mark,
> >Using CFMX7 on Win2003.  I have a java applet embedded in a CF page
> >(page1.cfm) (using object/embed tags) which performs a file upload.
> >Upon successful upload (no errors thrown), I redirect to a second CF 
> >page
> >(page2.cfm) to perform additional routines on the FORM vars which 
> >should be passed.  However, no vars are being passed (the cfdump 
> >shows nothing).  I suspect that the session is being dropped, so that 
> >the java applet doesn't know where to return the form vars to.  In 
> >the java applet I can set the form action = 
> >"page2.cfm?sesID=#SESSION.sessionID#".  However, on page2.cfm, how do 
> >I retrieve the correct sessionID, so I can get at the form vars?
> The sesID variable would be in the URL scope--not the FORM scope. 
> Also, makes sure that you've specified method="POST" on you <form /> 
> tag. If not, it'll default to a GET operation, which means the 
> variables will be in the URL scope, not the FORM scope.
> -Dan

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