I've never known that to be possible, but would love to know if
someone's actually done it.  As far as I know you can only link to a
presentation, not to a slide within a presentation.  It's not like you
can link to presentationurl.ppt?slide=3...can you?

For that matter, I'm not sure Verity can or does make the distinction
between what content is indexed from slide x and what is indexed on
slide n of a given presentation.

On 5/18/06, Eric J. Hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Quick feeler to see if anyone else has had such a requirement:
> Client needs verity to search within powerpoints, which I believe it can
> do.
> Trick is, once the keyword is found, he wants that particular slide to
> show up, rather than a link to the whole presentation.   Has anyone
> dealt with such a thing?
> Thanks!
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Eric J. Hoffman
> Managing Partner
> 2081 Industrial Blvd
> StillwaterMN55082
> www: http://www.ejhassociates.com
> tel: 651.717.4105
> fax: 651.717.4115
> mob: 651.245.2717
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