> I have a page with an iframe.  That iframe has a form.  The 
> action/target on the form replaces the _parent when it 
> submits and goes to a feedback page:
> http://hhp.umd.edu/events/systems_thinking/q_a_test.cfm
> On the feedback page there is an iframe.  The parent 
> variables can be seen by CF using form.q_1, but I don't see a 
> way to reference them from the CF in that iframe.  
> Current it complains that it doesn't see the variables, but 
> that's cause they're in the parent.  How do I reference them?

CF will not be able to do this. You can read values from one frame/window
into another using JavaScript, but CF can only see the form data that has
been posted to it. So, if you want to have those values read, use JavaScript
to fetch them from the other frame into your frame directly before you post.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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