I realize that the list is a list of integers, but, being a list, 
wouldn't the datatype be something akin to a string? How is that handled 
within cfqueryparam?


Jochem van Dieten wrote:
> Billy Jamme said:
>>The problem occurs when I attempt to use cfqueryparam to fetch a
>>2100+ item list of records.
>><cfquery name="selectList" datasource="database">
>>      SELECT id
>>      FROM tempTable
>>      WHERE id IN (<cfqueryparam value="#list#" list="true"
>>To further troubleshoot I installed the jTBS 1.2 drivers and I ran
>>all 3 queries again.  The result this time around was:
>>Query 1:  "Prepared or callable statement has more than 2000
>>parameter markers."
>>Now the question.  Is there a way to get around this limit?
> The limit it probably somewhere in a .properties file where you can up
> it and recompile the driver.
> Jochem

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