"Application busy initializing. Try again later."

Who has seen this error when requesting wsdl from a CFMX 7 server on
Windows? What is the problem, and what did you do to resolve it? This error
seems to be ocurring randomly, and with increasing frequency on at least one
of my machines. At first I thought that it was only happening shortly after
a server restart (it does btw, but it usually goes away after 1-2 minutes),
but now I am finding that this is not the case. For example, we had the
service up yesterday around 2pm, it was serving the wsdl just fine, and test
cases against the service were executing successfully throughout the day. I
come in this morning, and I'm getting this error. There were no restarts,
and I haven't been able to find anything fishy in any of the cf logs. This
is really starting to get frustrating, and not inspiring much confidence as
to the robustness of CFs WS implementation. Any ideas?



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