There is a JS script for it. Look for Sort boxes or something like that.
Sorry do not recall the actual place but maybe on or
something like that.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Small [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, May 26, 2006 3:19 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: That netflix "sort" thing, from your Queue

Does anyone here netflix? If you do, take a look at your queue.

Let's say for instance, you have ten items in your queue, and over on
the far left, there's a text field that contains your "sort order" for
your queue. You might want to move 7 up to number 3. Now when you do

How does it know how to "fix" the rest of the orders? Now here's an even
better can sort all OVER the list. You can make number 3 into
number 7, and number 7 into number 8, then make 2 into 10....then click
"sort" and they're all correct.

How does it know how to "fix" all the other ones? 

Better yet, how would you do this in CF?

My thinking has been, okay, sort order is store in the table, but you
have to temporarily store all of that into a struct IF AND ONLY IF the
user click the "update my order" button, then somehow manipulate the
struct, get all the orders right, THEN perhaps loop thru the struct
updating each key with the new sort order, then proceed with the query
for the new sort order and display that new sort order appropriately...

I mean, am I even CLOSE? Has anyone done one of those "magical
automatically sorting" netflix queu type orders?

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