Its still ftp over something.  Just because you send ftp over ssl, ssh, tls,
or anything else for that matter, it doesn't make the ftp part of it any
different...just ftp being carried over a more secure transport...kind of
like instead of shouting, you carry your voice over an fm carrier signal.
So it's still the same plain ole insecure ftp that is on a secure carrier.

Do they make subversion for windows?  I would be willing to try it out for

Some places get overly anal...possibly rightfully so hehehe...and don't
allow vpn for consultants.  

It really depends on the environment.  For my personal stuff, I pretty much
just have my host and send stuff directly to the host, unless it is
something complicated, which I do test locally first as I would rather crash
my system than my site host.  They tend to get rather miffed when customers
do that ;-)  Most place I work at have a test and production environment to
work with.  Some even have a staging environment in-between the 2.  I have
only worked at a couple of places that didn't have a test server...though
they did shortly after I convinced them of the wisdom of having a test
environment.  Source control really depends on the company.  Some places
won't do it because either they don't want to pay for, won't use open source
because of the lack of support, or just have system admins who are too inept
to try and install products they are not familiar with.  As far as backup,
most places I have been have at least daily back-ups...some have had hourly
backups(incremental of course).

Source control is great if you can get it.  I know I tried to get something
at my last gig, but the company wouldn't flip the bill to buy it and
sysadmins wouldn't install it if they did.


-----Original Message-----
From: Russ [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, 05 June 2006 20:22
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CF Studio 5

I'm sorry, Eric, but there are many types of ftp.  There is the plain old
insecure ftp which will eventually get you in trouble.  Then there's ftp
over ssh (if you have a *nix server).  There's also SFTP and FTPS, and I'm
not really sure which one is which but basically there's ftp over ssl and
ftp over tls.  All of those have varying levels of security, but enough for
our purposes.  

If you use a source control system such as subversion, you can transfer set
it up over ssl using apache, so even your commits and updates to/from source
control is protected.  And while you might not be able to get a copy of the
production database for security reasons, you might be able to get the
schema and fill it with dummy data which is enough for doing development
work.  You might also be able to access the database through some sort of
vpn (never actually having your own copy).  

There's no reason to not use a source control system.  If you have a server
anywhere, you can use it to host subversion.  It doesn't require a lot of
resources and will save you a lot of time and headaches if things go wrong.
Directly editing production files is the single worst thing you can do.  If
you dreamweaver/hs crashes (as I'm sure it often does), and overwrite an
important file on the server, how long can you afford to wait for a backup?
Even if you get the backup, a good portion of your work could be lost.  


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Eric Roberts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, June 05, 2006 8:53 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: CF Studio 5
> Many places don't allow a copy for security reasons.  Many of us are 
> working with sensitive data, so having a copy of the DB is out of the 
> question...think of the recent VA scandal and why having a copy of 
> data can be a really bad idea.
> As far as FTP being plain text...well so is a cfm, htm, asp, css, js, 
> etc...
> file ;-)  There is also a binary transfer for binary files like images 
> and compiled code.  FTP is an accepted and very standardized protocol.  
> I have never seen different ways of ftp''s all, well, FTP.  
> Not sure where you get that from.  The interface and setup may be 
> different, but the protocol is all the same, so there is nothing to 
> code for, other than the CFFTP tag ;-)
> I do a lot of consulting work, so some of my stuff is on my own.  I 
> have also worked on 50 member teams and everything in between.  I have 
> considerable experience using visual source safe and a version control 
> that is native to UNIX, whose name is escaping me at the moment (that 
> may be purposeful...I try to forget UNIX as much as possible hehehe)  
> I like having a test server and in most shops I do, so that if I piss 
> off Odin one day and lightning strikes my system, I have another copy 
> somewhere.  I also keep a local copy and when I can, a copy on 
> disk/thumbdrive,  for an extra measure of security when the company I 
> am working for doesn't use a versioning least I know I will 
> have 1 version back. One of these days, when I get a server that is 
> worth investing in, I will prolly set up a repository for my work.  
> The POS that I have now will be lucky to still be running in the near 
> future.  I am working on getting a good laptop to replace my desktop 
> and once that happens, my desktop will become my local testing server.  
> It has enough juice to do a good job of it.
> Hailisa,
> Eric
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Denny Valliant [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, 05 June 2006 16:30
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: CF Studio 5
> MMA Eric!
> On 6/5/06, Eric Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Actually...things are quite the opposite with many developers also 
> > working from home.  Most of the time we don't have access to the 
> > data locally from db's that are either at the company's site or at 
> > their host.  That is why ftp is important.  I do a lot of consulting 
> > work where I am not at the client's site on a regular 
> > basis...sometimes even completely doing it from home.
> They shouldn't be quite the opposite (if you ask me, but I'm just some 
> dude).
> SVN lets you have a local repository.  Most DBs make it pretty easy to 
> synchronize subsets of data, so there's no reason not to have some 
> locally.
> And if you're FTPing stuff, you do know that it's all in plain text, 
> and that FTP is one of the worst standards for file transfer?  Every 
> freaking FTP server does it it's own way. Real easy to code for, neh?
> All that data you're sending to your clients is basically in plain 
> view for anyone who's looking for it.
> I would strongly recommend (and this is coming from someone who has 
> been doing quite a bit of work from home lately) you start a local SVN 
> repository, just for your own sake (it's really freaking awesome!), 
> and maybe start using a tool like rsync or at least an SSH/webDAV 
> plugin for data transfer (if you can't connect to a remote repository).
> ESPECIALLY since you're probably crossing networks and such to get 
> data to your client's machines (dunno, maybe you have a T1 straight to 
> "client central" *giggles*).
> You must be a "lone coder" sorta like myself... someday tho, mark my 
> words, you'll have to work with people who know what they're doing, 
> maybe even as part of a team, so knowing this stuff is good if that 
> ever happens (even if it's just the team part :).
> I think the real fact of the matter is that CF is a language that 
> makes it easy to "just do it", and that's why you've got so many 
> people who never learn the "why" part, or whatever, till they have to.  
> A general observation, not directed.
> I love the fact that if my laptop took a flying leap off a tall 
> building, all my code (all 25675 iterations of it) would still be 
> safe, and instantly available from another workstation.
> What's cool is if you got an old machine just sitting around in your 
> home
> --
> Use it for a SVN repository!  Even if your clients don't use VC, you 
> will, and you'll LOVE IT! I swear!
> Sorry for trying to convert you while saying it's ok to stay how you are.
> I'm just a dork.  -- And I have issues - I deal with someone I'm on a 
> team with who is just dragging their feet on the whole "dev and test 
> local, upload to dev, THEN production" (we still don't have QA:).
> So don't think I'm assuming you don't test local and all that jazz.
> (my person who is lagging just moaned and moaned when I turned off 
> FTP, so it's linked sorta, in my head- whoops! My bad.)
> 'Probably cuz I'm a virgo-cusp, and you know how those cuspers are.
> So if any negative vibes comes through, it's a personal issue, not 
> related to anything. (see, I suck, real doods don't let that happen).
> Peace be with you (apologies for rehashing an age old issue, CF-T!) & 
> one love, :Denizen

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