Sure.  In your example, though, my concern would be that other than
the order in which you've listed the items, there's no way to tell
which element lower than level 1 is a child of which other element.
Do you have a parent ID field or some such that relates an item to its
parent item or are you relying on the query returning things in the
proper order?  The latter seems iffy to me.

But, if you have a way of knowing, then you could use simple recursion
to build your list:  Loop over each level 1 item, find its children
and loop over them to find their children and loop over them, etc.
Doesn't matter how many levels deep except with respect to

Quick pseudo-code:
FUNCTION buildNestedList ( [parent] )
     get elements of the specified parent (default to no parent)
     FOR each element
          write "UL"
          write "LI"
          write element title
          IF element has children
               call buildNestedList ( currentElement )
          END IF
          write "/LI"
          write "/UL"
     END FOR

This was done very quickly, but may give you enough to work with.

On 6/6/06, Everett, Al (NIH/NIGMS) [C] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Okay, I know that this should be relatively simple, and, in fact, in a
> previous job I did something similar, but I cannot for the life of me
> figure out how to do it.
> My query result looks like this:
> 1      Title1
> 2        Subtitle1
> 1        Title2
> 1        Title3
> 2        Subtitle2
> 2        Subtitle3
> 3        Subsubtitle1
> 1        Title4
> And I want to turn it into this:
> <ul>
>         <li>
>                 Title1
>                 <ul>
>                         <li>Subtitle1</li>
>                 </ul>
>         </li>
>         <li>
>                 Title2
>         </li>
>         <li>
>                 Title3
>                 <ul>
>                         <li>Subtitle2</li>
>                         <li>
>                                 Subtitle3
>                                 <ul>
>                                         <li>Subsubtitle1</li>
>                                 </ul>
>                         </li>
>                 </ul>
>         </li>
>         <li>
>                 Title4
>         </li>
> </ul>
> The data doesn't support a "level" higher than 3, so the list cannot
> nest further than that.
> Anybody ever done anything similar?

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