neily wheely... i'd love to see some of that code.
i STILL *3 years coming* have to finish a project for an atty
friend who needs me to make his court docs dynamic pdfs :)


On 6/7/06, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
> Hey Ryan,
> iText is the way forward here ( CF7 uses iText for more PDF manipulation ).
> I wrote and app which does just this in CFMX 6.1. It takes in a PDF form (
> it doesn't have to be an FDF) and abstracts all the available fields etc.
> You can then map to each field a value from a given column in a DB.  At
> runtime a user gets a nice pre-filled customized PDF!
> Any code I can share let me happy to.
> N
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jim Wright [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 06 June 2006 15:23
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: FDF and coldfusion
> On 6/6/06, Ryan Hamoud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I know this topic has been discussed in the past but not in the past few
> years.  I would like to be able to pre-fill a PDF document using cold fusion
> variables.  I have been to many forms and tried almost all their methods
> with no luck.   I am using Cold Fusion Server Enterprise 6 with Adobe
> Acrobat 6.0 pro and Macromedia MX 2004 studio.  Have any of you guys out
> there been able to successfully accomplish this using today's software?  I
> have a feeling that for some reason this has become obsolete..
> >
> I can confirm that the method of creating a PDF form, and then
> embedding CF variables in the resulting FDF to dynamically fill in the
> values still works in MX 7, as at my previous employer we used that
> method, and had migrated the app from 5 to 7.  Unfortunately, I don't
> have any readily available code samples to give you for a demo, but if
> you can post what you have been trying, I might be able to see the
> problem.
> --
> Jim Wright
> Wright Business Solutions
> 919-417-2257

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