Allowing for menu items to be marked as Vegetarian, Gluten Free, Low Fat
etc. could be very useful

On 6/9/06, Pete Ruckelshaus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Somewhat OT but there are a bunch of very intelligent people here whose
> opinions I value.  The database will initially be MS SQL Server but I also
> plan to eventually support MS Access and MySQL.  The front end WILL be in
> CF
> :)
> I need to add an online menu to a web site that I'm building for a
> restaurant.  Having more experience in content management and CRM style
> apps, I want to make sure that I don't miss anything obvious.  I'm also
> not
> a DBA -- I have a good mind for organization, but I have little formal
> training in database design.  So far, here's what I've got:
> *tblMenu* -- Names the menus and determines whether they are actively
> displayed or not
> id (int,PK)
> menuName (varchar,100, not null)
> menuDescription (varchar,2000)
> content (text) -- in case there is a need to provide a simpler,
> content-management based menu
> active (bit)
> *tblMenuCategories* -- Categories for menu, i.e. Appetizers, Main Courses,
> Brunch, etc.
> id (int,PK)
> parentCategoryID (int)
> categoryName (varchar,100, not null)
> categoryDescription (varchar,2000)
> displayorder (int)
> *tblMenuItems*
> id (int,PK)
> itemName (varchar,100, not null)
> itemDescription (varchar,4000)
> itemNote (varchar,1000) -- visible only to administrators
> updated (smalldatetime, getdate())
> price (smallmoney)
> unit (varchar, 100) -- i.e. dozen, small, half-cup, I could have another
> table for this but think that is probably overkill
> active (bit)
> *tblMenuItemCategories* -- i.e. chef's special, heart-healthy, etc.
> id (int, PK)
> categoryName (varchar,100, not null)
> *tblMenuItemCategoryLookup*-- allows a single itemt o have multiple
> categories (i.e. something can be the special of the day AND
> heart-healthy)
> menuItemID (int, FK tblMenuItems.ID)
> menuItemCategoryID (int, FK tblMenuItemCategories.ID)
> *tblMenuLookup* -- This is what actually "builds" the menu
> menuID (int, FK tblMenu.ID)
> menuCategoryID (int, FK tblMenuCategories.ID)
> menuItemID (int, FK tblMenuItems.ID) displayOrder (int) -- this orders the
> specific menu item
> active (bit) -- allows administrators to "pull" an item from the menu
> Can anyone with experience in writing an online restaurant menu
> application
> lend any further advice or shoot me a copy of your database schema so I
> can
> see if I'm missing anything obvious?  This is NOT meant to be the be-all,
> end-all of online restaurant menus, I just need it to do the job for a
> variety of small to mid-sized clients, and I want to get it right the
> first
> time since obviously having to rewrite it later would mean a lot of work
> for
> my clients as well.
> Thanks!
> Pete

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