Just out of curiousity, try assigning it to a variable in both cases...

<cfset dummy = foo() />
<cfset dummy2 = foo() />

I've never seen the case you're talking about, but function names are
set in the variables scope and that has caused me other hearburn on
occasion.  I wonder if something is going on with that?

On 6/9/06, Daniel Baughman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Anyone ever seen a situation like this:
> You define a function (some arbitrary function)
> <cffunction name="fun1">
>                 HI
> </cffunction>
> And then can't call it twice in a row?
> <cfset fun1()>
> <cfset fun1()>
> The second time it says that fun1 is not defined, but if you comment out the
> first call the second runs fine..
> If anyone has seen this, or is interested in how to recreate, let me know.

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