On 6/9/06, Eric Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I tried that and got the following error with the sftp plugin... SFTP
> Plug-in (0.0.1) requires plug-in "org.eclipse.team.cvs.core (3.2.0)", or
> compatible.

Ah, that looks like  it's asking for Eclipse 3.2.  Are you not running 3.2?
It's ar RC7, currently, I think, but it's required for CFEclipse (and SVN
is targeting 3.2 as well).

Either get Eclipse 3.2, or maybe the WTP bundle of 3.2, since you'll
probably want CSS, and such, and maybe J2EE (there is a BUNCH of
cool ass stuff in there. J2EE/Servlet stuff, ability to run a CF instance
within Eclipse (for debug stuff, requires some expert skills tho), etc..)

Someone posted another idea, and that's getting the CF RDS version
of eclipse, and then installing the needed plugins (JSEclipse, CFE, etc.)

I've been meaning to get a blog going, and maybe documenting what
plugins I like and whatnot... how I've gotten things to do what I want...

Love the idea of blogCFC, but all I've got on my workstation is a dev
version of CF, so that's out.  PHP to the rescue! (someday)

BTW...if you put it in terms that someone besides yourself will understand,
> how will you know if we understand it if you yourself won't understand it
> ;-)

Hehe!  Luckily I can understand more than my own understanding, it's
just obviously the first route I take (everybody knows that the dice are
loaded).  With a little effort I can put it in terms that others can grok.
maybe. *cough* yeah, real tech writer here, no doubt.

Basically, once you've got Eclipse 3.2, and installed the jsch SFTP plugin
successfully, what you'll want to do is go to "File>Import>Other>SFTP"
(or webdav, or any other number of protocols that you'll suddenly see

Once there, it will ask you to define a server to connect to, and then
a directory to "sync" with your workspace directory.  As it was defaulting
to my user's home directory on the remote server, I had to make a symlink
to the website sources I wanted to sync up to within my user home dir.

After that, I selected the symlinked directory, selected (in my case, an
already existing project) where I wanted to put the local files, and viola,
it told me what was different between the two, and asked if I wanted to
download some stuff now(you don't have to, you can do it later when
ever you sync the files)

There is a "site explorer" view that you can use if you just want to
peruse what's on the remote site, and when you're ready to sync up
any changes, just switch to the "synchronize" perspective, select "SFTP"
as the sync type, and you should be in like Flynn.  Double click on
a file with changes/conflicts, and it will auto-open in the compare view.

Pretty freaking slick, haven't used it as much as the klomp plugin (avail
for eclipse 3.0 only, but really nice, same feature set), as I was using
a SFTP plugin I was helping code for, prior to a few days ago, when I
decided to try the jsch one.

Really really nice, is all I have to say, and SO much better than working
right on the server's file (what if someone else tried to edit the same
file at the same time! Oh no!)

Please post any questions you have getting it going, I'll try to help out,
and maybe the results will make it into a "how to" or some such.

Maybe I should skip the blog, and go to howtoforge... eh. thoughts
for later.

At any rate, expect this stuff to just keep getting better, there is
talk on team_platform of including the jsch plugin with eclipse itself.

Team stuff will REALLY kick ass when we get to Eclipse 3.3, no
doubt. It's got a good bit of attn. in 3.2, but momentum is building ;-)

There's some really nifty stuff available now. I'm so happy.

Beaming some good "work work please work" vibes at'chha, Eric!

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