Dan Plesse wrote:
> Does anyone know why Calender needs getInstance() method?

it's protected. use GregorianCalendar. or better yet use getInstance & 
add locale & timezone. timezone's kind of important.

> <cfset c.set(c.YEAR, DateFormat(Now(), "yyyy"))>
> <cfset c.set(c.MONTH, evaluate(DateFormat(Now(), "mm") - 01))>
> <cfset c.set(c.DATE, DateFormat(Now(), "dd"))>

all of this is kind of "iffy" w/the way cf handles datetimes (ie 
everything's assumed to be in the server tz), you're probably better off 
using java epoch offsets. you can convert a cf datetime to java epoch 
offset very easily:

t=now(); //cf datetime
t=t.getTime(); //is now java epoch offset

if you want to use itext independent of cf7's deployed lib, especially 
on a shared host, you *really* want to use mark mandel's javaLoader CFC. 
it's so cool i can't believe it.


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